Recipe: Tempura Shishito Peppers

First day of's been more than 3 years since we first moved to Midland.  While we sometimes wonder what our life would be like if we hadn't decided to take the leap, we've never felt any regret.  And life is just like that isn't it?  Many parallel possibilities depending on what you choose.  Sometimes, it can be hard to get off a path - chosen or otherwise - but you always have a choice.  Choose and move on; indulge in some fantasy about 'what-ifs' but keep moving forward phase after phase.

I was very excited when I found something from a different phase in life right here in our usual supermarket, Meijer.  I've always enjoyed tempura shishito peppers but they aren't common over here.  A bag full like in the picture below would very well serve 6-8 people...but Leon and I make a meal of it between us :oP 

Unfortunately, I didn't pick the best looking of the tempura peppers to take a photo of.  But this batter recipe I'm sharing is light and 'explodes' like tempura batter should in hot oil, and will work with the usual tempura options.

1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup of ice cubes
3/4 cup water

1. Heat enough oil - maybe 1.5 inch - deep.
2. Stir the above ingredients together.  It's ok if the flour is lumpy and not well mixed.  Add or subtract water/ice cube accordingly to make a batter with the consistency of...slightly thicker than heavy cream?  Like rice congee?  Anyway, better start frying with a thicker batter and then thin it out to the right consistency.
3. When oil is hot, dip peppers or your chosen tempura items into the batter and drop them in.
4. If you keep the batter cold, the batter should spread like fireworks.
5. As you scoop the cooked tempura out of the hot oil, scoop out the cooked batter bits too and set aside - they are great with rice.
6. You could dip your tempura into the usual diluted dashi sauce with grated daikon.  Or try ponzu sauce.  That's a citrusy soy sauce. 
