Finding our rhythm

This morning, as we sat enjoying each other's company, the quiet, and breakfast, it occurred to me that we've quite quickly found our rhythm in this place.  We sleep early, wake up early, he goes for a jog, I sort through my emails (from next week, work), he comes back, make us breakfast, we eat, then potter around doing whatever we want until the shops open for our errands (from next week again, off to the office for me).  On alternate days, I'll go jogging with him to build up my stamina until I can join him on his daily runs.  We love it.  We get so much done in a day yet it doesn't feel rushed or stressed.  I wonder why that is so and I'm still turning this around in my head.  No hurry or need to figure it out but it's an interesting occupation to well, just mull over things.

What I do know is that I think everyone should find their own rhythm in the lives that they are living.  Don't try to live someone else's life.  It won't fit.  Know who you are, have a sense of what the bigger picture possibly looks like, and make the most/best of what you have - the good, the bad, and the ugly.  If you don't know the game, how can you play it well?  You may have fun just playing but it doesn't get you anywhere.

It's been almost a week since we arrived.  It's Sunday now.  While tomorrow is a public holiday - bless my bosses to pick a long weekend as the start of my assignment :o) - I'm all ready to start work.  I enjoy working very much.  It feels very good to apply myself and my ability to valued output and outcomes.  It feels even better when the contribution is appreciated.  It feels best when people then invest in you to help you achieve and learn more. 
