Loving our life

I never imagined I'd say this...I was delayed on my way home today because traffic stopped for a family of deer to cross the road!  The deer in the lead was tentatively hobbling across the road and when he/she got across, another three followed.  I wish I had my phone with me so I could snap a picture for you.  And by "traffic", I mean the car in front of me and my car...

There are also migrating geese that honk and fly in formation to land just outside the gates of the office every day.  They feed there side by side flocks of wild turkeys.

And I've become quite convinced there are as many squirrels here as there are families.  I see them every day - both black and brown variety.  With cold weather coming on, they've also become plummer and even cuter.  Of course, they're also roadkill victims...I see at least one flattened squirrel on my daily 'commute' to work.  The second most frequent roadkill victims are raccoons, but we see them only when we hit the highways.

Gosh!  I'm so charmed by the nature and people here :)  Here's a composite of three photos I took of the same trees in our backyard over the past 3 weeks. 

We woke up this morning to -1 to 0 degree celcius.  Turtle necks, shawl, car coat...we've to change the way we dress taking cues from how the trees are dressed!  I love the need for different clothes for different seasons :o)  My snow boots have already arrived by the way - dove white with furry trimmings.  I was worried that I couldn't get the size I want in the design I like so I had to buy it first.  Leon also went to Columbia to try on snow boots - they are so heavy!  We need another trip to the outlets sometime in October.  The nice people of Columbia and North Face have committed to set us up for winter then.  We're so excited!

There are also other things we've learned about life here:
  1. It's a pain to buy cars, houses or anything big ticket if you're not a resident and don't have a credit rating.  You'd better be cash rich.
  2. Air for your tyres is not free.
  3. Plus you need to have your own gauge, i.e. the machine doesn't tell you if your tyres need air or how much pressure it is pumping.
  4. There's a limit to the number of times you can withdraw or transfer cash from your savings account - plan your spending carefully.
We have one more task to accomplish before we're finally set for life here - apply for a credit card.  We'll do that sometime this week.
